Is it possible to deserialize an XML file to a class in Flex without manually checking the XML and/or creating the class, with the help of a HttpService
Edit: Explained a bit more and better.
We have an XML file which contains:
In Flex we want this to be serialized to our Project class:
package com.examplepackage
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
public class Project
public var Name:String;
public var Number:int;
public function Project()
The XML is loaded with a HTTPService.
In order to have Flex automatically serialize and deserialize objects for your, there needs to be some kind of WSDL or RPC Protocol. So you either need to specify a WSDL to use to deserialize XML data, use AMF or some other protocol, or work with whatever MIME type your httpservice returns directly.
EDIT: You could set up your own set of classes to handle the deserialization of your xml objects. The way the AMF service works is it first deserialzes the returned objects into mx.utils.ObjecProxy instances, then matches the type
attribute of the ObjectProxy
to an existing RemoteClass
and initializes the properties of the class in the PropertyList
to values in the dynamic Object
property. You could set your own set of classes that create ObjectProxy's by looking at the XML root for the type and child nodes for the properties and values, then instantiate your AS classes based on the Object proxies. You aren't going to be able to get around having to write some code to directly handle the XML though.