Wether I enter 1 word, 1 word and 1 word in parenthesis, and 2 words. ie. "American" or "american (grill)" or "american italian" only the first letter in each word will be capitalized.
I have wrote my code
wcity = raw_input("Please enter a city ==> ")
wtype = raw_input("Please enter a restaurant type ==> ")
And changed it to:
wcity = raw_input("Please enter a city ==> ").capitalize()
wtype = raw_input("Please enter a restaurant type ==> ").capitalize()
I need to change .capitalize for wtype it so when I input for wtype EITHER (not all, only 1 of them at a time)
aMerican iTalian
american (nEw)
Python interprets it as
American Italian
American (New)
any ideas, ive fooled around with upper and lower and those dont work better than the .capitalize
Any ideas?
I can do .capitalize as I do in wcity because my cities don't have parenthesis with 1 word inside them or 2 words
My inputs for wcity are not:
chicago (troy)
vegas (reno)
chicago bronx (2 words)
My inputs for wcity are:
You can use a regular expression filter to eliminate the part of the string containing "(new)"
import re
def myfilter(x):
return ' '.join(re.sub(ur'\(\s*[nN][eE][wW]\s*\)','',x).title().split())
wcity = myfilter( raw_input("Please enter a city ==> ") )
print wcity
wtype = myfilter( raw_input("Please enter a restaurant type ==> ") )
print wtype