I want to create a Postfix aliases file from the LDIF output of ldapsearch
The LDIF file contains records for approximately 10,000 users. Each user has at least one entry for the proxyAddresses
attribute. I need to create an alias corresponding with each proxyAddress that meets the conditions below. The created aliases must point to sAMAccountName@other.domain.
I'm not sure if the attribute ordering in the LDIF file is consistent. I don't think I can assume that sAMAccountName will always appear last.
Example input file
dn: CN=John Smith,OU=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com
proxyAddresses: SMTP:smith@contoso.com
proxyAddresses: smtp:John.Smith@contoso.com
proxyAddresses: smtp:jsmith@elsewhere.com
sAMAccountName: smith
dn: CN=Tom Frank,OU=Users,DC=contoso,DC=com
sAMAccountName: frank
proxyAddresses: SMTP:frank@contoso.com
proxyAddresses: smtp:Tom.Frank@contoso.com
proxyAddresses: smtp:frank@elsewhere.com
Example output file
smith: smith@other.domain
John.Smith: smith@other.domain
frank: frank@other.domain
Tom.Frank: frank@other.domain
Ideal solution
I'd like to see a solution using awk
, but other method are acceptable too. Here are the qualities that are most important to me, in order:
What I've tried
I've managed to make a start on this, but I'm struggling to understand the finer points of awk.
in awk to get complete records instead of individual lines, but then I wasn't sure where to go from there.Here a gawk script which you could run like this: gawk -f ldif.awk yourfile.ldif
Please note: the multicharacter value of `RS' is a gawk extension.
$ cat ldif.awk
RS = "\n\n" # Record separator: empty line
FS = "\n" # Field separator: newline
# For each record: loop twice through fields
# Loop #1 identifies the sAMAccountName
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
if ($i ~ /^sAMAccountName: /) {
sAN = substr($i, 17)
# Loop #2 prints output lines
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) {
if (tolower($i) ~ /smtp:.*@contoso.com$/) {
split($i, n, ":|@")
print n[3] ": " sAN "@other.domain"