the below line is giving me 'FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION' in salesforce . please provide me the alternative for this .
imr.Assigned_DTM__c = DateTime.valueOfGmt(('06/08/2013 06:30:22').replaceAll('/','-'));
The issues is that you use incorrect format
System.debug(DateTime.valueOfGmt(('06/08/2013 06:30:22').replaceAll('/','-')));
System.debug(DateTime.valueOfGmt(('2013/08/06 06:30:22').replaceAll('/','-')));
console output:
08:19:40:061 USER_DEBUG [3]|DEBUG|0012-02-03 06:30:22
08:19:40:061 USER_DEBUG [5]|DEBUG|2013-08-06 06:30:22
as you can see from the debug, the first variant returns incorrect datetime value.
Official documentation says the following
valueOfGmt Returns a Datetime that contains the value of the specified String. The String should use the standard date format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss” in the GMT time zone
correct your initial string with datetime.
String myDate = '06/08/2013 06:30:22';
String stringDate = myDate.substring(6,10) + '-' +
myDate.substring(3,5) + '-' +
myDate.substring(0,2) + ' ' +
DateTime dt = datetime.valueOf(stringDate);