I'm using a cross domain REST api. I have defined my custom REST adapter to trigg my API. Pb is to remove the ".json" automaticaly set by ember-model.
How to configure my adapter to avoid setting my "replace function" (url=url.replace('.json', '');)
App.Book.adapter = Ember.RESTAdapter.create({
ajaxSettings: function(url, method) {
var authorization= "Basic " + btoa("login" + ":" + "pwd");
url=url.replace('.json', '');
return {
url: url,
type: method,
dataType: "json",
headers: {
"Authorization": authorization
How to configure my adapter to avoid setting my "replace function" (url=url.replace('.json', '');)
Since ember-model does not provide any configuration option to change this behaviour, IMHO, your solution by doing url = url.replace('.json', '');
isn't that bad.
Another possible way I can think of could be to reopen the RESTAdapter
and override the buildURL
function to not include the .json
buildURL: function(klass, id) {
var urlRoot = Ember.get(klass, 'url');
if (!urlRoot) { throw new Error('Ember.RESTAdapter requires a `url` property to be specified'); }
if (!Ember.isEmpty(id)) {
return urlRoot + "/" + id;
} else {
return urlRoot;
But this is not that future proof if the original code changes and you want to update the lib you had to change also your override.
Hope it helps.