I try to delete a record, a DELETE request is sent to the server but the request seems not correct:
What is done: DELETE /books + body json format
What I expect: DELETE /books/123 + no body
Looking at the source code, it seams clear how ember-model does the DELETE
deleteRecord: function(record) {
var primaryKey = get(record.constructor, 'primaryKey'),
url = this.buildURL(record.constructor, get(record, primaryKey)),
self = this;
return this.ajax(url, record.toJSON(), "DELETE").then(function(data) {
self.didDeleteRecord(record, data);
basically the resulting format is: DELETE /books/123 + JSON body
If your backend expects something else then the only way to change it would be to rewrite the deleteRecord
for your custom needs. But IMO the simplest thing you could do is to just ignore the JSON body
Hope it helps.