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Why i get this error `Error (Data mining): Either the user, TEMP-USER\Administrator, does not have permission`?

I Use SQL Server 2008 r2 And SSAS and i use AdventureWorks2008 data base.

I Write this Query In MDX Query in Sql server analyser.

SELECT [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]
FROM [Adventure Works] 

I Get This Error

Executing the query ...

Error (Data mining): Either the user, TEMP-USER\Administrator, does not have permission to access the referenced mining model, Adventure Works, or the object does not exist.

Error (Data mining): Either the user, TEMP-USER\Administrator, does not have permission to access the referenced mining model, Adventure Works, or the object does not exist.

Execution complete

Why i get this error ?


  • you most use this query

    [Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]  ON COLUMNS
    FROM [Adventure Works] 

    it is necessary that defined COLUMNS in MDX query.