i am reading from a directory which everything it looks fine. I am able to display all the data inside the folder but i have a problem, in the beginning of the list it shows 2 broken images which are not mine they have a strange path it looks like is generated it self, here is the strange path in the source file:
(Resource id #33< ul >< li >< a href="#">< img src="img/test/.">< / a>< / li>< li>< a href="#" >< img src="img/test/..">< /a> )
The code continue normally as it should reading the images inside the folder after these two lines.
And here is the code i am using:
class HomeModel extends CI_Model{
public function getData(){
$dir = 'img/test';
echo opendir($dir);
if (is_dir($dir)) {
if ($dh = opendir($dir)) {
$display_models = '<ul>';
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
$display_models .= '<li><a href="#"><img src="'.$dir.'/'.$file.'"></a></li>';
$display_models .= '</ul>';
return $display_models;
hi add one if condition to check . and .. like this
while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
if($file != '.' && $file != '..'){
$display_models .= '<li><a href="#"><img src="'.$dir.'/'.$file.'"></a></li>';
check this tutorial can also help you scanning folder with php