All implementations on insert
for BST is non-tail recursive.
Is that possible to write a tail-recursive insert for BST?
If it is possible, how?
It is possible: for example, by writing the insert
function in continuation-passing style.
e.g. in Racket
#lang racket
(struct bst-node (left right value) #:transparent)
(define (insert tree new-value)
(insert-cps tree new-value (lambda (x) x)))
(define (insert-cps tree new-value cont)
[(empty? tree) (cont (bst-node empty empty new-value))]
[else (match-let ([(bst-node l r v) tree])
[(= v new-value) (cont (bst-node l r v))]
[(< new-value v) (insert-cps l new-value (lambda (t) (cont (bst-node t r v))))]
[else (insert-cps r new-value (lambda (t) (cont (bst-node l t v))))]))]))
(insert (insert (insert empty 10) 15) 2)