I have a long ul where the number of li's are not constant
and I want to split this into two ul's using Moovweb SDK.
Is there a way to do this with Tritium?
I recently came across a similar issue where I wanted to split a ul into half.
Here's what I did:
html_fragment() {
$("./ul") {
$("./li[position() mod 2 = 1]") {
$middle = index()
$("./li["+$middle+"]/following-sibling::li[1]") {
wrap("ul", class: "mw-second-ul") {
move_to("parent::ul", "after")
attributes(class: "mw-first-ul")
Here's the tritium tester url: http://tritium.moovweb.com/86d868527a73a1648ad2f77fa97685ac56970d2c