I'm using a unity plugin to handle Facebook called prime[31] Social Networking Plugin. It works fine for something like this:
void onGraph()
Facebook.instance.graphRequest( "me", HTTPVerb.GET, ( error, obj ) =>
// if we have an error we dont proceed any further
if( error != null )
if( obj == null )
// grab the userId and persist it for later use
var ht = obj as Dictionary<string,object>;
_userId = ht["id"].ToString();
Debug.Log( "me Graph Request finished: " + _userId );
Prime31.Utils.logObject( ht );
} );
It returns this:
--------- IDictionary ---------
id: ##########
name: Mike O'Connor
first_name: Mike
last_name: O'Connor
link: https://www.facebook.com/##########
username: ##########
and I can seemingly grab any key and stuff it into a variable like this, right?:
_userId = ht["id"].ToString();
but when I request the scores of everyone playing my game:?
void onGetScore()
Facebook.instance.graphRequest( "AppID/scores", HTTPVerb.GET, ( error, obj ) =>
// if we have an error we dont proceed any further
if( error != null )
if( obj == null )
// grab the userId and persist it for later use
var ht = obj as Dictionary<string, object>;
_score = ht["score"].ToString();
Prime31.Utils.logObject( ht );
} );
It returns a nested dictionary/list like this:
--------- IDictionary ---------
--------- IList ---------
--------- IDictionary ---------
user: --------- IDictionary ---------
name: Mike O'Connor
id: ##########
score: 5677
application: --------- IDictionary ---------
name: ##########
namespace: ##########
id: ##########
now it's nested so I can't use this, right?
_score = ht["score"].ToString();
How do I get at the nested keys? Is it just a syntax problem or do I have to recast (or something else)?
So you want to access the value of a key-value pair inside a dictionary, inside a dictionary, inside a list, inside a dictionary?
It sounds like you want this:
_score = ht["data"][0]["score"].ToString();
Note, the 0
here represents the first item in the ht["data"]
Unfortunately it looks like your objects are probably weakly typed. In that case you'd have to do:
_score =
((IDictionary<string, object>)
Which looks terrible, but should work (assume the types returned are really what you describe).
To get an set of user name / score pairs, you can use something like this Linq query:
var scores =
from item in ((IList<object>)ht["data"]).Cast<IDictionary<string, object>>()
let name = ((IDictionary<string, object>)item["user"])["name"].ToString()
let score = item["score"].ToString()
select new { username = name, score };