Lets say I have a set of points and I have lines/edges between them. All of these edges create non-overlapping triangles within the convex hull of my points. All points are connected to triangles.
How can I efficiently check which points are part of which triangle? I could check incident points of each edge and gradually construct a triple of points, but that sounds awefully slow (o(n^2)?). Is there something like linesweep or so to do that?
The edges define an undirected graph G
and the triangles are the set of cycles in G
with length=3
Geometric triangulations typically have relatively low nodal degree (degree d
is the number of edges adjacent to each node, d<=10
is typical for geometric triangulations) and, as such, here is a reasonably efficient O(n*d^3)
algorithm that can be used to construct the set of triangles.
Setup a graph-like data structure, supporting access to the list of edges adjacent to each node.
Iterate over all nodes. Consider all pairs of edges adjacent to a given node i
. For a given pair of edges adjacent to i
, we have a potential nodal triplet i,j,k
. This triplet is a triangle if there is an edge joining nodes j,k
, which can be checked by scanning the edge lists of j,k
Duplicate triangles will be generated by a naive implementation of (2)
. Maintain a hash table of triangles to reject duplicate triplets as they're considered.
I've assumed that the edges define a valid disjoint triangulation, being non-intersecting, etc.
Hope this helps.