I want to rename a file called decon.out using two variables in my program. So far I have
gwf = input ("Enter value: ")
myList = os.listdir('.')
for myFile in myList:
if re.match("^HHEMQZ", myFile):
numE = myFile
elif re.match("^HHNMQZ", myFile):
numN = myFile
den = myFile
os.rename('decon.out', 'RF'+gwf+''+numE+'')
For example, gwf = 2.5 and numE = HHEMQZ20010101
I would then want decon.out to be renamed as RF2.5HHEMQZ20010101
where RF will always be the same.
Currently when I run the script I get an error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "RunDeconv.py", line 77, in <module>
os.rename('decon.out', 'RF'+gwf+''+numE+'')
TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'float' objects
Any suggestions?
Use raw_input()
instead, input()
interprets the input values as Python code turning your 2.5
input into a float number.