I have created a c program which requires an input (through scanf). Then I created the .so file and called that in a python script, so that when I run the script, input will be asked in the terminal. But when I run the python program, the terminal hangs.
Please note:
1. My c code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int open(void)
char input[20];
scanf("input = %s\n",&input);
2. Command I used for compiling the code
gcc -c usb_comm.c
3.Creating .so file
gcc -shared -o libhello.so usb_comm.o
4.Relevant section of python program
Loading the .so file
from ctypes import cdll
mydll = cdll.LoadLibrary('/home/vineeshvs/Dropbox/wel/workspace/Atmel/libhello.so')
Calling the function defined in the c program
Thanks for listening :)
call scanf. Why do you call scanf in Python?
Just call mydll.open()
#include <stdio.h>
void open(void)
char input[20];
printf("input = "); // If you want prompt
scanf("%s", input);
printf("\n%s\n", input);