I am trying to bind a XtraReport
to a BindingSource
(instead of a Dataset
) and want to filter the values in the datasource before they get to the report using report parameters.
I have already declared the parameters and the bindingsource in the report designer. So I have the fields and everything set.
According to this article I can now load the collection in the Load
event of a Windows form. But I don't want that.
In other words, the report should not load all rows from the custom StoreCollection
(a List<T>
of custom Store
types), but only those determined by the parameters.
How would I do accomplish this?
Note: I know the BindingSource
has a Filter
property, but I am not sure how I would pass my parameters to it (the parameters are used to retrieve data form the database and a List of custom types is returned).
Thank you.
I would use LINQ to select the data before it goes into the report. My code is in VB.net but can fairly easily be translated:
1 - Create a data object - that will contain our data
Public Class Animal
Public name As String
Public livesYears As Integer
Public location As String
End Class
2 - Create the XtraReport1. Drop a BindingSource
onto the designer and set it's DataSource
to Animal
. If Animal
doesn't show up in the list that the wizard generates, you will need to rebuild your solution. Drop a couple of the Fields onto the designer... 'name' etc so that the report will have something to... report!
3 - Create sub to populate the list
Private Function createAnimals() As List(Of Animal)
Dim allAnimals As New List(Of Animal)
allAnimals.Add(New Animal With {.name = "Snake", .livesYears = "12", .location = "Africa"})
allAnimals.Add(New Animal With {.name = "Dog", .livesYears = "17", .location = "England"})
allAnimals.Add(New Animal With {.name = "Cat", .livesYears = "14", .location = "Egypt"})
allAnimals.Add(New Animal With {.name = "Hedgehog", .livesYears = "4", .location = "England"})
allAnimals.Add(New Animal With {.name = "Dragon", .livesYears = "350", .location = "Canada"})
allAnimals.Add(New Animal With {.name = "Bat", .livesYears = "28", .location = "Scotland"})
Return allAnimals
End Function
4 - Create an instance of the report in the Form Load
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'create our list of animals (could be a for loop that adds each dataset row to the list of Animal)
Dim allAnimals As List(Of Animal) = createAnimals()
'select just the Animals that we want
Dim justTheAnimalsIWant = (From ani In allAnimals
Where ani.location = "England"
Select ani).ToList
'create instance of the report
Dim report As New XtraReport1
'set the datasource to justTheAnimalsIWant
report.DataSource = justTheAnimalsIWant
Dim printTool As ReportPrintTool = New ReportPrintTool(report)
End Sub
The above example doesn't use a dataset, it uses a list of our Animal
objects. To populate our list of Animal
objects you could use a for loop to iterate through the data-rows and add to the list of Animal
objects. Then after use LINQ to select what you want, just like with the justTheAnimalsIWant
. Simples.