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How to get container instance in sonata Admin class?

I need to parse some configurations parameters from my config.yml such as enabled languages. But when i try to do that by using the normal symfony method: $this->container->get('my_params'); it fails because my admin class extends Sonata\AdminBundle\Admin\Admin class which does not extend the Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerAware class.

Please, How to get the container inside the sonata Admin class ?

Now i'm resolving this problem by overriding the sonata Admin Class to make it extends the ContainerAware.


  • probably already resolved, because its an old question, but just for reference, the container is already available in admin class using the configuration pool...


    Of course, it is better practice to inject services in the admin class, but, like in the controllers. why would someone, take the time to configure setter injection if already has the container available?