Right now I'm playing with autocompletions in vim, and I've settled on supertab to handle my completions. While it's running very smoothly and (I think) exactly as it's designed, I'd like to know how to change something.
Firstly, I'm running 7.3.429 on Ubuntu 12.04LTS with
set completeopt=menuone,preview,longest
so that I have bash-type autocompletion with supertab, and default complete.
Let's suppose I have the following in my file:
If I type aa
and hit Tab, then vim realized that aaabb
is the longest common string among the matches, so it inserts aaabb
and displays a menu containing the three options. If I really did want one of those options, then all is good. But maybe I really wanted aaaaazzzzz
, but didn't realize I hadn't typed it yet.
Is there a good way to say to vim, "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to tabcomplete after all! Please pretend I didn't."
Right now, the options apparent to me are to:
If I didn't have longest
enabled, then I could use Ctrl+E, which quits the menu without inserting anything else. But since longest is on, it stops autocomplete but leaves the longest common match entered.
Surely there has to be a better way to do this.
There are 2 native ways to do this in vim. If you know right way that the item is not in the completion menu you can use <c-y>
. <c-y>
accepts the current match which if you didn't move though any completions will send you back to only the text you inserted. (Second way) However if you did move through the completion menu you can move though until you get back to the original text.
However I imagine it isn't too hard to simply accept the longest matching and edit the word. You could also use <c-g>u
to break up the undo block by working it into your <tab>
mapping. Although that may break the history up more than you want.