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Using Data.Machine, how can you compose two ProcessT together that modifies two different states?

Let's say I have a process that modifies an underlying state that is an Int:

p1 :: ProcessT (State Int) Int Int
p1 = repeatedly $ do
   a <- await
   lift . modify $ (+a)
   yield a

And another that modifies an underlying state that is an [Int]:

p2 :: ProcessT (State [Int]) Int Bool
p2 = repeatedly $ do
   a <- await
   lift . modify $ (++[a])
   as <- get
   if length as > 3 then yield True else yield False

I want to compose them this way:

p3 = source [1...6] ~> p1 ~ p2

And run them like:

flip runState 0 . flip runState [] . runT $ p3

But I get this error:

   Couldn't match expected type `Int' with actual type `[Int]'
   Expected type: ProcessT (State Int) Int c0
   Actual type: ProcessT (State [Int]) Int Bool
   In the second argument of `(~>)', namely `p2'
   In the expression: source [1 .. 6] ~> p1 ~> p2

Suggesting p1 and p2 should have the same type of underlying state. In fact, a little experiment shows that p1 and p2 are in fact modifying the same underlying state. How can I sidestep this?


  • You can make a bigger state and modify each computation to take a lens into a larger composite state for the system.

    p1 :: (MonadState s m, Num a) => Lens' s a -> ProcessT m a a
    p1 l = repeatedly $ do
       a <- await
       l += a
       yield a

    You then just need to supply the larger composite state and appropriate lenses to drive the whole thing.