I've an image.jpg that i have edited in GIMP to change to a png. I have uploaded the png to the Android Assets Studio to make a 9-patch. This works ok.
I'm wanting 2 versions of the same image. This is because the image is used for a button, so when the user clicks the button it is reduced in size(like when you launch an app).
The problem is when i try to create the 2nd image, i scale it down by 20% in GIMP then run it through the assets studio. I have have both images in the res/drawable folders under the correct densities L - XH dpi. When the user clicks the button the scaled version has a black border around it and it seems blurred.
How can i scale and create a 9-patch correctly.
Thanks in advance.
Your black bars got messed up when scaled. If you look closely at the image, you can see that there are some semi-transparent pixels at either side of a couple of them. Make sure that every non-black pixel is perfectly transparent(alpha 0).
Also, as a side note, your stretch areas(left/top bars) don't see right. Currently, it will stretch only the center of the globe, which is probably not what you want.