I am using Magento and have some simple products, with custom attributes, being displayed in a category product listing.
I am looking to split the product listing by the products' custom attribute so each attribute has a list of products within tags so I can use jQuery tabs to split the categories up.
I see that default\template\catalog\product\list.phtml generates the list of products:
How would I go about splitting the products into separate divs by attribute?
Thanks in advance.
As far as the logic goes for splitting these products up, you could take the loaded product collection, and in a foreach loop check the attributes of each product and assign them to appropriate, new arrays.
For example:
$_productSegments = array(
'attribute1' => array(),
'attribute2' => array(),
foreach ($_productCollection as $_product) {
if ($_product->hasAttribute1()) {
$_productSegments['attribute1'][] = $_product;
if ($_product->hasAttribute2()) {
$_productSegments['attribute1'][] = $_product;
<?php foreach ($_productSegments as $_productSegment): ?>
<?php if (!empty($_productSegment)): ?>
<?php // Whatever product info you want here. Use jQuery logic to make it into tabs ?>
<?php foreach ($_productSegment as $_product): ?>
<?php echo $_product->getName() ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach ?>