I'm having difficulty getting a mpeg-dash sample to play properly using the cast-android-sample.
It's easily reproduced by adding a dash sample to the MediaAdapter:addVideos() method. Here are 3 well known MPEG-DASH samples that we used to try to get it working:
mVideos.add(new CastMedia("Car MPEG-DASH Video", "http://yt-dash-mse-test.commondatastorage.googleapis.com/car-20120827-manifest.mpd"));
mVideos.add(new CastMedia("Simple MPEG-DASH Video", "http://download.tsi.telecom-paristech.fr/gpac/DASH_CONFORMANCE/TelecomParisTech/mpeg2-simple/mpeg2-simple-mpd.mpd"));
mVideos.add(new CastMedia("MPEG-DASH Sample", "http://www.digitalprimates.net/dash/streams/gpac/mp4-main-multi-mpd-AV-NBS.mpd"));
Attempting to play these generates an error of this form in the logcat:
18147-18147/com.example.castsample E/MediaProtocolMessageStream: error parsing message: {"type":"RESPONSE","cmd_id":24,"status":{"error":{"domain":"ramp","code":-2},"event_sequence":6499}} org.json.JSONException: No value for state
Note that the mp4s listed in the demo do in fact work - so I know I've got the cast-android-sample code working in general. Additionally I've tried hosting the files - and by monitoring the access logs I know that the mpd is fetched and that the media referenced by the mpd is never accessed by the device.
Is there something else that needs to be done to get MPEG-DASH media to play from Chromecast? Can someone provide a working example from this code-base?
We should work with the Dash Industry associations player. We support all of Chrome's Media Source Events.