I would like to have some classes, that all extend one base abstract class.
Then, I would like to have objects that each stores a subset of those classes and invokes the method they implement.
So I thought - I do nothing with the objects I store, so let's just make those classes static and I will not waste memory on storing object, just references to static classes, so I can invoke the static function. Question is - how do i do that?
For those who prefer code, here is what I need:
public static abstract class A {
public static abstract void F();
public static class B : A {
public static override void F() {
// Class Storage of course does NOT work, its just here to illustrate what I need
public class Storage {
private List<A> list;
public void AddElement(A element) {
public void DoStuff() {
foreach(A element in list)
Is there any way to do something like that? Or a different solution to such problem?
No you can't do that. There are a number of problems with what you're trying to do:
. AddElement(A element)
.From how you've described the problem, I can see no need for static types or static methods here. Just create a simple abstract class and inherit from it:
public abstract class A {
public abstract void F();
public class B : A {
public override void F() {
public class Storage {
private List<A> list;
public void AddElement(A element) {
public void DoStuff() {
foreach(A element in list)
Alternatively, you can create a List<Type>
and use reflection to invoke static methods on those types. For example:
public static class A {
public static void F() { ... }
public static class B {
public static void F() { ... }
List<Type> typeList = new List<Type> { typeof(A), typeof(B) };
foreach(var type in typeList)
type.GetMethod("F").Invoke(null, null);
But using reflection is going to be slower than using direct method calls, and you'll loose all type-safety with this method (unless you write the type-checks yourself).