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wp_enqueue_scripts jquery to footer.php

I have this script in my footer.php and I like to add it to the footer.php by using wp_enqueue_scripts.

<script type="text/javascript">

if ( is_home() ) {

    if ( option::get('featured_posts_show') == 'on' ) {

        ?>if ( jQuery('#slider li').length > 0 ) {
                controlNav: false,
                directionNav: false,
                animationLoop: true,
                animation: '<?php echo option::get('slideshow_effect') == 'Slide' ? 'slide' : 'fade'; ?>',
                useCSS: true,
                smoothHeight: false,
                touch: false,
                slideshow: <?php echo option::get('slideshow_auto') == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false'; ?>,
                <?php if ( option::get('slideshow_auto') == 'on' ) echo 'slideshowSpeed: ' . option::get('slideshow_speed') . ','; ?>
                pauseOnAction: true,
                animationSpeed: 600,
                start: function(slider){
                    jQuery('#slider_nav .item').click(function(){
                        var id = getPostIdClass(this);
                        if ( id <= 0 ) return;

                        var index = slider.slides.index( slider.slides.filter('.' + id) );

                        slider.direction = (index > slider.currentSlide) ? 'next' : 'prev';
                        slider.flexAnimate(index, slider.pauseOnAction);
                before: function(slider){
                    var id = getPostIdClass( slider.slides.eq(slider.animatingTo) );
                    if ( id <= 0 ) return;

                    jQuery('#slider_nav .item').removeClass('current');
                    jQuery('#slider_nav .item.' + id).addClass('current');

                    if ( jQuery('#slider_nav .row').length > 1 ) {
                        var navSlider = jQuery('#slider_nav').data('flexslider'),
                            currPage = navSlider.slides.index( navSlider.slides.find('.item.' + id).parent('.row') );
                        navSlider.direction = (currPage > navSlider.currentSlide) ? 'next' : 'prev';
                        navSlider.flexAnimate(currPage, navSlider.pauseOnAction);

            jQuery('#slider_nav .item').wrapInChunks('<div class="row" />', 4);

                selector: '.tiles > .row',
                direction: 'vertical',
                controlNav: true,
                directionNav: false,
                animationLoop: false,
                animation: 'slide',
                useCSS: true,
                smoothHeight: false,
                touch: false,
                slideshow: false,
                pauseOnAction: true,
                animationSpeed: 600


    if ( option::get('carousel_posts_show') == 'on' ) {

        ?>if ( jQuery('#carousel .item').length > 0 ) {
            jQuery('#carousel .item').wrapInChunks('<div class="row" />', 3);
            jQuery('#carousel .row').append('<div class="clear" />');

            if ( jQuery('#carousel .item').length > 3 ) {
                jQuery('#carousel_wrap').append('<div id="carousel_nav"><div class="prev">Prev</div><div class="next">Next</div></div>');

                jQuery('#carousel .row').each(function(){
                    var max = Math.max.apply(null, jQuery('h4.title',this).map(function(){return jQuery(this).height()}).get());
                    jQuery('h4.title', this).css('min-height', max);
                jQuery('#carousel').height(jQuery('#carousel .row').height());

                    axis: 'y',
                    cycle: false,
                    constant: false,
                    force: true,
                    items: '.row',
                    prev: '#carousel_nav .prev',
                    next: '#carousel_nav .next',
                    onBefore: function(e,elem,$pane,$items,pos){




I haven't managed yet to add it, because of the php part inside the script. I don't know how to separate the javascript from the php and add it the right way to the footer.php.



  • Remove your php code from script and put you script in one file suppose name custom-script.js

    then add this js with wp_enqueue_script in your theme functions.php file

    function my_scripts_method() {
        if ( is_home() ) {
           if ( option::get('featured_posts_show') == 'on' ) {
            wp_enqueue_script('custom-script',get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/custom_script.js',  array( 'jquery' ), '', true );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'my_scripts_method' );