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Animate Window Resize (Width and Height) C# WPF

I'm looking for some help on animating window resize of an open window! Cant seem to figure this one out!

I'm just using atm.

this.Width = 500;

Any help would be great! Thanks.


  • I have answered this question myself. Here is some sample code.

        static System.Windows.Forms.Timer _Timer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(); 
        int _Stop = 0;
        private void This_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            _Timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick);
            _Timer.Interval = (20); 
        private void timer_Tick(Object myObject, EventArgs myEventArgs)
            if (_Stop == 0)
                _RatioHeight    = ((this.Height -   _Height)    / 12)* -1;
                _RatioWidth     = ((this.Width -    _Width)     / 12)* -1;
            this.Height += _RatioHeight;
            this.Width  += _RatioWidth;
            if (_Stop == 12)
                _Timer.Enabled = false;
                _Stop = 0;
                this.Height = _Height;
                this.Width  = _Width;
        public void resize(double _PassedHeight, double _PassedWidth)
            _Height = _PassedHeight;
            _Width  = _PassedWidth;
            _Timer.Enabled = true;

    Resizes the window in 12 "ticks" very quickly, can be slowed down in _Timer.Interval. After 12 ticks will polish it off with a final resize to exact size.

    Hope this helps someome.