I want to make a function which returns a string:
public string LienBaseDeConnaissance(string entreprise)
SqlConnection cnx = new SqlConnection("/* connection string */");
SqlCommand RequeteExiste = new SqlCommand("sp_SEL_LIEN_BASECONNAISSANCE_EXTRANET_CLIENT", cnx);
RequeteExiste.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter Parameter = RequeteExiste.Parameters.Add("@nom_entreprise", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 15);
Parameter.Value = entreprise;
string lienBaseConnaissance;
SqlDataReader _ReaderLines = RequeteExiste.ExecuteReader();
while (_ReaderLines.Read())
if (_ReaderLines["ParStrP1"].ToString() != null)
lienBaseConnaissance = _ReaderLines["ParStrP1"].ToString();
return lienBaseConnaissance;
return null;
I select data thanks to a stored procedure and then I would like to return it as a string
. The problem is that if I don't put a return after the while ()
, all the code doesn't return a value. However I need the variable lienBaseConnaissance
which contains the data and out of the while()
, the variable in question doesn't have anymore the value I'm looking for.
The problem is the while
-loop. It's not an if
, so it is possible that the loop is never entered if there are no rows.
The simplest solution is to assign a default value to the return variable:
string lienBaseConnaissance = null;
// .... at the end of the method:
return lienBaseConnaissance;
Since (i assume that) you are reading a single value this is also possible:
if (!_ReaderLines.IsDbNull("ParStrP1"))
lienBaseConnaissance = _ReaderLines.GetString("ParStrP1");
return lienBaseConnaissance;
return null;
return null;
Note that you should also use the using
-statement to ensure that unmanaged resources are disposed (e.g. the connection gets closed). Use it for everything that implements IDisposable
, so the connection, the command and the reader.