Please suppose I have a CLOB field in an Oracle table, in which I have stored the creation script of a package/procedure/function.
I would like to remove all blanks at the end of every line, but:
a) DBMS_LOB.TRIM (CLOB field) is a procedure and not a function; b) RTRIM (CLOB) don't fail, but does not work to achieve this.
How can I solve my problem?
Please note that the spaces at the beginning of every line are useful for indentation of the PL/SQL source code stored in the CLOB field, so they haven't to be removed.
Thank you in advance for your kind help and cooperation.
To remove spaces at the end of each line you could use regexp_replace()
regular expression function:
regexp_replace(col, '\s+('||CHR(10)||'|$)', chr(10))
Here is an example(Note: replace
function is used just to highlight spaces):
with t1(col) as(
select to_clob('begin '||chr(10)||chr(32)||chr(32)||'something is going on here'||chr(32)||chr(32)||chr(10)|| 'end'||chr(32)||chr(32))
from dual
select replace(col, ' ', '_') as with_spaces
, replace(
regexp_replace(col, '\s+('||CHR(10)||'|$)', chr(10))
, ' '
, '_'
) as without_spaces
from t1
begin__ begin
__something_is_going_on_here__ __something_is_going_on_here
end__ end