I have a System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified error, you can see the output of the console here .
Here is my code, I removed many lines, so that the structure would be easier to read.
static public void searchCode2(Dictionary<string, string> MList)
using (SqlConnection connection3 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DB"].ConnectionString))
SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand(null, connection3);
var keysWithMatchingValues = MList.Where(p => Equals(p.Value, "0")).Select(p => p.Key);
// ce for devrait macher, meme s'il y plusieurs requetes
// Tthe fallowing line is where the error point out.
foreach (var key in keysWithMatchingValues)
Console.WriteLine(" missing list");
string[] motToCut = key.ToString().Split(' ');
Dictionary<string, int> MoviesListMissing = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, string> MoviesListMissingCode = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Dictionary<string, DateTime> MoviesListMissingDate = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
//// on va chercher si un des elements du dico n'a pas été récupéré.
command2.CommandText = "";
int counter = 0;
foreach (string word_cutted in motToCut)
// on considere que les mots qui ont plus d'une lettre
if (word_cutted.Length > 1)
command2.CommandText += "select Code, Titre, Date from Data where Titre LIKE '%" + word_cutted + "%';";
Console.WriteLine("word_cutted : {0} ", word_cutted);
command2.Prepare(); // Calling Prepare after having set the Commandtext and parameters.
SqlDataReader reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader();
for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
bool MoviesListMissingisEmpty = (MoviesListMissing.Count == 0);
if (!MoviesListMissingisEmpty)
// liste le dictionnaire
foreach (string key2 in MList.Keys)
Console.WriteLine("Last version : {0}, {1} ", key2, MList[key2]);
catch (Exception e)
//Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception caught.", e);
Console.WriteLine("Last version : {0}", e);
// Always call Close when done reading.
Console.WriteLine(" Avant var key in keysWithMatchingValues ");
For some reason what I put after
won't work, and I can't figure out the reason. In some similar topics, it is said to use the lock function, but i don't where. ( I tried some places but it did not work).
Here is the complete code if it may help:
static public void searchCode2(Dictionary<string, string> MList)
using (SqlConnection connection3 = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DistriDBEntities2"].ConnectionString))
SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand(null, connection3);
DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
bool pbBool = false;
string motFinal = "";
var keysWithMatchingValues = MList.Where(p => Equals(p.Value, "0")).Select(p => p.Key);
//Where(p => p.Value == "a").Select(p => p.Key);
// ce for devrait macher, meme s'il y plusieurs requetes
foreach (var key in keysWithMatchingValues)
pbBool = true;
Console.WriteLine(" missing list");
//literaltest.Text += "<br/>" + motFinal + ", original: " + key + "<br/>";
string[] motToCut = key.ToString().Split(' ');
Dictionary<string, int> MoviesListMissing = new Dictionary<string, int>();
Dictionary<string, string> MoviesListMissingCode = new Dictionary<string, string>();
Dictionary<string, DateTime> MoviesListMissingDate = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();
//// on va chercher si un des elements du dico n'a pas été récupéré.
command2.CommandText = "";
int counter = 0;
foreach (string word_cutted in motToCut)
// on considere que les mots qui ont plus d'une lettre
if (word_cutted.Length > 1)
command2.CommandText += "select Code, Titre, Date from Data where Titre LIKE '%" + word_cutted + "%';";
Console.WriteLine("word_cutted : {0} ", word_cutted);
command2.Prepare(); // Calling Prepare after having set the Commandtext and parameters.
//literaltest.Text += "<br/> on rentre dans le try apres word_cutted : ";
SqlDataReader reader2 = command2.ExecuteReader();
int resultCounter = 1;
bool resultUnique = false;
string bontitre = "";
for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++)
if (i == 0)
while (reader2.Read())
//literaltest.Text += "<br/> si i = 0 ";
if (reader2[1].ToString().Length > 0)
if (!MoviesListMissing.ContainsKey(reader2[1].ToString()))
//literaltest.Text += "<br/> i = 0 mot : " + reader2[0].ToString() + "," + reader2[1].ToString();
MoviesListMissing.Add(reader2[1].ToString(), 0);
MoviesListMissingCode.Add(reader2[1].ToString(), reader2[0].ToString());
bontitre = reader2[1].ToString();
if (reader2[2].ToString().Length > 0)
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(reader2[2].ToString());
//literaltest.Text += "<br/> date Conversion orginal:" + reader2[2].ToString() + " new : " + dt.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
MoviesListMissingDate.Add(reader2[1].ToString(), dt);
else if (!resultUnique)
// on réinitialise le compteur
resultCounter = 1;
while (reader2.Read())
if (reader2[1].ToString().Length > 0)
//literaltest.Text += "<br/> i : " + i + " mot : " + reader2[0].ToString() + "," + reader2[1].ToString();
if (!MoviesListMissing.ContainsKey(reader2[1].ToString()))
MoviesListMissing.Add(reader2[1].ToString(), 0);
MoviesListMissingCode.Add(reader2[1].ToString(), reader2[0].ToString());
MoviesListMissingDate.Add(reader2[1].ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(reader2[2].ToString()));
bontitre = reader2[1].ToString();
//on incremente le nombre de point.
MoviesListMissing[reader2[1].ToString()] += 1;
bontitre = reader2[1].ToString();
if (resultCounter == 2)
// si on a eu qu'un retour lors d'une requete pour un mot alors c'est la bonne
resultUnique = true;
Console.WriteLine("ResultUnique true");
bool MoviesListMissingisEmpty = (MoviesListMissing.Count == 0);
if (!MoviesListMissingisEmpty)
if (resultUnique == false)
// liste le dictionnaire
int keyMax = 0;
string trueKey = MoviesListMissing.Keys.First();
string falseKey = "";
bool unique = true;
// on regarde quel titre a le plus de point.
foreach (string cle in MoviesListMissing.Keys)
if (MoviesListMissing[cle] > keyMax)
keyMax = MoviesListMissing[cle];
trueKey = cle;
unique = true;
falseKey = "";
else if (MoviesListMissing[cle] == keyMax)
unique = false;
falseKey += cle + ", ";
Console.WriteLine("Le bon titre est : {0} ", trueKey);
Console.WriteLine("Le bon titre est unique ? : {0} falsekey: {1}", unique.ToString(), falseKey);
// si le nombre max est détenue par un seul titre
if (unique)
bontitre = trueKey;
// on rajoute le code
MList[key.ToString()] = MoviesListMissingCode[trueKey];
// on regarde la date
string[] CuttedByDate = falseKey.ToString().Split(' ');
DateTime bestDate = MoviesListMissingDate[CuttedByDate[0]];
bontitre = CuttedByDate[0];
foreach (string wordDate in CuttedByDate)
if ((Math.Abs(today.Subtract(MoviesListMissingDate[CuttedByDate[0]]).Days)) < Math.Abs(today.Subtract(bestDate).Days))
bontitre = wordDate;
Console.WriteLine("Le bon titre trouvé de maniere unique : {0} ", bontitre);
MList[key.ToString()] = MoviesListMissingCode[bontitre];
// liste le dictionnaire
foreach (string key2 in MList.Keys)
Console.WriteLine("Last version : {0}, {1} ", key2, MList[key2]);
catch (Exception e)
//Console.WriteLine("{0} Exception caught.", e);
Console.WriteLine("Last version : {0}", e);
// Always call Close when done reading.
Console.WriteLine(" Avant var key in keysWithMatchingValues ");
Okay, this is the problem - you're modifying MList
while you're iterating through a lazily evaluated query based on it:
MList[key.ToString()] = MoviesListMissingCode[bontitre];
MList[key.ToString()] = MoviesListMissingCode[trueKey];
You're not allowed to do that.
The simplest way to fix this is simply to take a copy of the key/value pairs as part of the query. So this:
var keysWithMatchingValues = MList.Where(p => Equals(p.Value, "0")).Select(p => p.Key);
can become:
var keysWithMatchingValues = MList.ToList()
.Where(p => Equals(p.Value, "0"))
.Select(p => p.Key);
Although personally I'd rewrite it as:
var keysWithMatchingValues = MList.ToList()
.Where(p => p.Value == "0")
.Select(p => p.Key);
At this point, you're fine to modify MList
as you iterate over keysWithMatchingValues
, because they're separated.
(I'd also break up this mammoth method into smaller ones.)