I want to use <p:blockUI>
to block the whole view. But as it's attribute block
does only accept ids as keywords and not e.g. @all
, the only way I currently see is to have a naming container (e.g. <f:subview>
) to wrap the whole content of the view.
Unfortunately that's semantically dirty and I would need to rename all absolute ids because a new unneccessary (except for <p:blockUI>
) id-"prefix" has been created.
Is there a cleaner way to do this?
Assuming I understand correctly, you could simply add an id to h:body
and reference that id in the block
attribute of <p:blockUI>
. Also, you wouldn't need to change the ids of your components. Quick example
<h:body id="wholeView">
<p:commandButton id="pnlBtn" value="Block Panel" type="button" onclick="bui.show()"/>
<p:blockUI block=":wholeView" widgetVar="bui"/>
Again, this is just a silly example which simply blocks the view for demonstration purposes. However, from what I understand from the answer below, you would need to be using Mojarra 2.1.8 or higher to use the id from h:body