On an Adobe Photoshop Panel (uses Flex 3) I have several text fields that take numerical input like this:
<mx:TextInput x="90" y="10" width="50" height="20" restrict="0-9" id="myInput"/>
I have the restrict="0-9"
that keeps the user from entering anything but numbers however I'd like to restrict the range to 1-100.
Should I implement that myself using a change event handler in AS3 or is there a better solution with what Flex brings with it?
I tried this:
<mx:NumberValidator source="{myInput}" property="text" integerError="Enter Integer value"
minValue="1" maxValue="100" domain="int"
trigger="{myInput}" triggerEvent="change"
but I get Error: Could not resolve <fx:Declarations> to a component implementation.
You can use a NumericStepper instead of a TextInput. Then you can set the minimum and maximum values.
<s:NumericStepper id="ns" minimum="1" maximum="100" />
Update: In Flex 3; you can use the MX Numeric Stepper with similar properties:
<mx:NumericStepper id="ns" minimum="1" maximum="100" stepSize="1"/>