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Post-build event: Is there a macro for App Data?

A typical post-build event should look like this:

COPY "$(SolutionDir)Resources\" "$(TargetDir)"

Various macros exist for solution dir, output dir etc. But how do I copy to system's special folders? Are there macros for it? I want copy to Common App Data folder.

Why: From the client machine, my app accesses files in common appdata directory. To simulate the scenario in my development machine, I need to ensure is present in my app directory too. How do I copy from $(SolutionDir)Resources\ to something like $(App_Data) in post-build?

I can manually copy paste it, every time I update the Resources folder, but I would like to automate it with VS.


I could do this with xcopy,

XCOPY "$(SolutionDir)Resources\" "%appdata%\MyPath\" 

But that copies to user's local app data path, not common application data. How do I do it for common application data?


  • I think you want %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\MyPath. Found using set on the commandline btw.