I have an AJA Capture card. The drivers installed with the card include some DirectShow filter. If I pop the filter into GraphEdit I see this:
and if I run the ffmpeg command
ffmpeg -f dshow -list_options true -i video="AJA Capture Source"
I see
[dshow @ 0034eec0] DirectShow video device options
[dshow @ 0034eec0] Pin "Video"
[dshow @ 0034eec0] pixel_format=yuyv422 min s=720x486 fps=27.2604 max s=1024x
486 fps=29.985
[dshow @ 0034eec0] Pin "Audio 1-2"
[dshow @ 0034eec0] Pin "Line21"
video=AJA Capture Source: Immediate exit requested
So I see the Video and Audio pins I need. But when I try to run an ffmpeg command to capture both, I can only figure out how to do the video part. How do I hook in to that audio pin? It seems all the examples and documentation point to using a separate audio device, and nothing about hooking into the pins. I'm running it out of a batch file for now like this and I use the ^ to break the line
ffmpeg.exe ^
-y ^
-rtbufsize 100M ^
-f dshow ^
-i video="AJA Capture Source" ^
-t 00:00:10 ^
-aspect 16:9 ^
-c:v libx264 ^
Again, the command above will get me some beautiful video, but I can't figure out the audio part. Is this even supported in ffmpeg or am I going to have to modify the ffmpeg dshow code?
So after tracing through source code of FFmpeg it was deemed that it could not hook up to multiple pins on a dshow source, so instead of modifying the FFmpeg source, we piped the AJA source pins through two virtual capture sources to achieve the desired result.