I'm using the script command in spring roo to create an application I'm working on.
This is the roo script I'm using.
project --topLevelPackage is.kdh.cyberdojo --projectName cyberdojo --java 6 --packaging WAR
jpa setup --provider HIBERNATE --database HYPERSONIC_IN_MEMORY
entity jpa --class ~.domain.Attendance --testAutomatically --table ATTENDANCE
field date --fieldName attended --type java.util.Date --notNull --column ATTENDED
entity jpa --class ~.domain.BarCode --testAutomatically --table BARCODE
entity jpa --class ~.domain.Person --testAutomatically --table PERSON
field string --fieldName socialSecurityNumber --sizeMax 10 --notNull --column SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER --unique true
field string --fieldName name --sizeMax 128 --notNull --column NAME
field string --fieldName address --sizeMax 128 --notNull --column ADDRESS
field string --fieldName city --sizeMax 128 --notNull --column CITY
field string --fieldName phone --sizeMax 128 --notNull --column PHONE
field string --fieldName mobile --sizeMax 24 --notNull --column MOBILE
field string --fieldName email --sizeMax 128 --notNull --column EMAIL
field date --fieldName created --type java.util.Date --notNull --column CREATED
field date --fieldName modified --type java.util.Date --notNull --column MODIFIED
field boolean --fieldName active --column ACTIVE --notNull --value true
field string --fieldName registrationNumber --column REGISTRATION_NUMBER --notNull --sizeMax 10
field string --fieldName comments --column COMMENTS --sizeMax 4096
field reference --fieldName parent --type is.kdh.cyberdojo.domain.Person --cardinality MANY_TO_ONE
field reference --fieldName barCode --type is.kdh.cyberdojo.domain.BarCode --cardinality ONE_TO_ONE
entity jpa --class ~.domain.Course --testAutomatically --table COURSE
field string --fieldName name --sizeMax 128 --notNull --column NAME
field string --fieldName description --sizeMax 2048 --notNull --column DESCRIPTION
field boolean --fieldName active --notNull --column ACTIVE
field date --fieldName validFrom --type java.util.Date --notNull --column VALID_FROM
field date --fieldName validTo --type java.util.Date --notNull --column VALID_TO
field number --fieldName occurrence --type int --notNull --column OCCURRENCE
field set --fieldName instructors --type is.kdh.cyberdojo.domain.Person
entity jpa --class ~.domain.UserType --testAutomatically --table USERTYPE
field string --fieldName name --sizeMax 128 --notNull --column NAME
test integration
perform tests
web jsf setup --implementation APACHE_MYFACES --theme EGGPLANT
web jsf all --package ~.jsf
logging setup --level WARN --package WEB
perform eclipse
security setup
Everything is fine until I get to the security setup command - then the scripts execution is aborted.
The message roo prints out is
Command 'security setup' was found but is not currently available (type 'help' then ENTER to learn about this command)
I know that its possible to use spring security and jsf together. Is there anything wrong with the way I'm setting up my roo script?
BTW: If I use mvc instead of jsf then spring security is setup nicely and everything works fine.
The problem is discussed here. The fix you're referring to consisted in just disabling the security command for JSF and GWT plugin. We have to wait until 1.3.0. :(