I want to create a custom filter for my DataTable. I would like to create a button that, when clicked on it, changes the table its data. I know about the ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn that wicket has to offer but this is, according to my understanding of it, a dropdown filter.
I am trying to achieve something like the following picture (Pancakes is the clickable button):
Could someone point me in the right direction?
I solved this question by creating a custom filter (just a panel with some markup) and return it in the getFilter method of a custom FilteredPropertyColumn.
FilteredPropertyColumn: http://wicket.apache.org/apidocs/1.4/org/apache/wicket/extensions/markup/html/repeater/data/table/filter/FilteredPropertyColumn.html
ButtonFilter class:
public class ButtonFilter extends Panel {
In custom FilteredPropertyColumn class:
public Component getFilter(String componentId, FilterForm<?> form) {
return new ButtonFilter<Y>(componentId, getFilterModel(form), filterChoices);