Search code examples

How do I query a specifc child category on a page?

I am trying to query a list of child categories that are specific to a page. In other words, if I go to the page with the slug 'us-mid-western-tour' it queries the children categories of parent cat with ID 49 and if I go to 'us-western-tour' it gets ID 21 and so on.

Here is my code so far but it is not working. Can anybody steer me in the right direction?

            $taxonomy     = 'tournament_category';
            $orderby      = 'name';      
            $hierarchical = 1;     
            $child        = if ( is_page('us-mid-western-tour')) {  
                          echo '49';
                         } elseif ( is_page('us-western-tour')) {
                         echo '21';

            $args = array(
            'taxonomy'     => $taxonomy,
            'orderby'      => $orderby,
            'hierarchical' => $hierarchical,
            'hide_empty'   => 0,
            'child_of'     => $child,

Thanks D


  • use this

    if ( is_page('us-mid-western-tour')) {  
        $child =  '49';
    } elseif ( is_page('us-western-tour')) {
        $child = '21';

    I hope it will help