To be specific, I have a base use case A, and two extended use case A1,A2. Then I add a "include" item to A, let's call it B. My question is will A1,A2 automatically include this item B? Or do I need to add two dotted arrows from A1,A2 to B?
I don't have enough score to post image here, so just use this picture to illustrate my idea, I'm missing to arrows from A to A1,A2, hope it doesn't confuse you.
A ------> B(include)
/ \
extend/ \extend
/ \
A1 A2
Indeed, if you are referencing B in A1 and A2 you will need to include (ElementImport in UML) B from them. But you can also have a Package containing A, A1 and A2 and import B from this Package, thus B will be available for all element within this Package.