I'm getting following error while loading an xml file using xmlDocument.Load() method:
I'm getting this error because I've some invalid character 'ETB' in my XML. How can I fix this? This character is a part of binary encoded image data.
<![CDATA[<FlowDocument xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/something"><Paragraph xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/something"><InlineUIContainer BaselineAlignment="Center">
<Image Stretch="None" Width="1024" Height="282"><Image.Source><BitmapImage><base64Binary>(Base 64 encoded data containing 'ETB' Text)
Base 64 Binary data is like this:
This data has an 'ETB' character in it.
This character is a part of binary encoded image data.
Then it shouldn't be in an XML document. An XML document is text - typically if you want to include arbitrary binary data, you base64-encode it.
This isn't actually a C# problem or a .NET problem - it's simply that your XML document is invalid.