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Database for Movie ShowTime

I create one database that is theatre. In that Movie,Cinemas tables are created, but now i want to create showtime table in my database so i have confusion that how to make that table,how many fields are put in that table and how to store time of show in that.I want to put show time with price that is silver, gold, and platinum.

If there is any idea then tell me.



  • Well, in showtime you basically should have the columns

    stmid int,              -- pointing to entry in movie table
    stcid int,              -- pointing to entry in cinema table
    ststart datetime,       -- the actual "showtime"
    stprice float           -- ticket price

    And then define stmid,stcid to be the Primary Key like

    PRIMARY KEY (stmid,stcid)

    I would not assign silver, gold or platinum directly in the table but leave that to a later stage, either in a QUERY or a VIEW, depending on criteria that might change over time. The price on the other hand is a very concrete and fixed data type.

    2. Edit:

    To select the movies that will play within the next 24h you could use the following:

    SELECT mname,
           GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT DATE_FORMAT(ststart,'%l:%i %p') ORDER BY ststart) mtimes 
    FROM movies 
    INNER JOIN showtime ON stmid=mid   
    WHERE mname LIKE '%name of movie%' AND ststart BETWEEN NOW() AND ADDDATE(NOW(),1)
    GROUP BY mname

    This statements assumes that there are columns mid (unique movie ID) and mname (movie name) in table movies.