This might sound easy for you but I am really struggling with this. I am working on WinForm application with C#(First time). We have a client table in application. We are pulling data through WCF. I am able to pull data using WCF and place that in object array.
WCF is passing the data in XML format. I confirmed using SOAP Sonar that the value is getting populated.
This object array has all the values from clients table. I just need to Full Name and Client ID from it. However, I have no clue how can I do that. I tried XML Serialization to deserialize XML. After that I need to populate those values in a combobox, I am quite certain I can do that.
Adding some code for more information: Function Calling WCF: '
Client[] PopulateClient(string param1){
Client[] clientlist;
var ClientListResponse = GetClientList<ClienListResponse>(returninXMLFormat);
clientlist = ClientListResponse.Items;
return clientlist;
//Another Class calling above function
Client[] getclient(string param)
Client[] callclient(param)
return callclient;
' Now I need to use callclient to populate my combobox. call client has table with multiple clients and 20 columns. I just need full name and ID.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I am using .net Framework 4.0. Thanks
I suppose you have already had your collection/array, here is the detail for what I commented as suggestion:
public class Item {
public string FullName {get;set;}
public string ID {get;set;}
//your array of Item
Item[] items = ...
//Bind your array to your combobox
comboBox.DataSource = items;
comboBox.DisplayMember = "FullName";
comboBox.ValueMember = "ID";