i am using QNX momentics for blackberry development. The problem is whenever i download any sample code and run it on Simulator. then error comes to me.
When i clean the project it give me Error
**** Clean-only build of configuration Simulator-Debug for project list ****
make -j4 clean
make: *** No rule to make target `clean'. Stop.
**** Build Finished ****
And when Build the project it gives me
**** Build of configuration Simulator-Debug for project list ****
make -j4 Device-Debug
make: *** No rule to make target `Device-Debug'. Stop.
**** Build Finished ****
These error are not allowing me to run any sample code. please can any one tell me how can i solve this problem . I have set the target as a Simulator-Debug .
Sounds like your x86/Makefile is not getting generated.
Can you open a regular command window and prep the shell using the bbndk-env.bat file from your BBNDK installation dir, then type the following from the top level of your demo project? (Replace YOURPROJECT.pro with whatever your .pro file actually is)
qmake -spec unsupported/blackberry-x86-qcc -o x86/Makefile YOURPROJECT.pro CONFIG+="simulator debug_and_release"
Does the x86/Makefile get generated? Any errors?
Can you post the Makefile for the demo you are using?