Looking at a few advertising companies (DoubleClick, Atlas), I've come across the concept of iframe buster files, that are hosted on the same host as the ad publisher (one example: http://www.adopstools.com/ibusters/atlas/atlas_rm.htm, and there's a lot of JS code that works with that page).
I read that they're used to dynamically resize the iframe. Is that all there is to iframe busters? Does hosting them on publisher's host help with JS cross-domain restrictions?
Added: I'm referring to the use case described here: http://blog.operative.com/?tag=iframe, and not just changing the iframe source document to the top level.
iframe busters are intended to break a webpage out of an iframe inside another page so that they become the top level page
e.g. if I had an iframe in this answer with your site inside it, the role of an iframe buster on your site would be to bust your site out of my iframe and prevent me from using iframes to show your website
This is similar to frame busters, where a website may be encased in a frameset with a second frame up top showing a digg bar or advertisement. In this case, a frame buster would force the browser to display the website and only the website as intended by the author, rather than in a frame with potential advertisement or malware bundled in another frame.
In the provided example, the JavaScript is used to insert a script tag to a second JavaScript file which performs the actual frame busting. The JavaScript used in the html file linked simply obfuscates this process while loading different urls for different advertisements, each with different iframe html to insert.
The lengths gone to are likely to be a factor of a cat and mouse chase, as is common with frame busting techniques, where sites have written scripts to bust out of frames, and the companies responsible for framing the sites have written anti-frame busting scripts, so anti-anti-frame busting scripts have been written.