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Externalized BuildConfig in Grails

We can load different configuration files for Config.groovy by specifying a class that is a config script. Externalized Configuration:

grails.config.locations = []

Is it possible to do something similar for BuildConfig.groovy?

I want to place CodeNarc configuration in another config file. As it uses Groovy's ConfigSlurper syntax, I try to merge config objects, but not works.

def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(..)    

Any different trick?


  • You don't need to so that.

    The Codenarc plugin lets you keep your codenarc configuration externally. See here The Codenarc Properties

    Included here is an example codenarc setup I have in BuildConfig.groovy

    codenarc.processTestUnit = false
    codenarc.processTestIntegration = false
    codenarc.processViews = true
    codenarc.propertiesFile = 'grails-app/conf/'
    codenarc.ruleSetFiles = [

    Here we also define an external file which we use to turn parts of rules from each of the included rulesets on/off. Example of this file contents is included here:

    # some gsp's MUST have embedded CSS and/or embedded Javascript which requires the use of semicolons.
    UnnecessarySemicolon.doNotApplyToFileNames = *.gsp
    # we're not going to enforce these
    UnnecessaryGString.enabled = false
    UnnecessaryReturnKeyword.enabled = false

    So you can steer away from polluting your BuildConfig with un-wanted things as Tomas mentioned.

    Hope this helps.
