I am using spellchecker from Google in my web application. It was working great but for some reason Google has stopped or removed their service and now it's not working. Here is the link for the SOAP API - https://developers.google.com/soap-search/?csw=1#1_3.
I tried with some other components like
http://www.jspell.com/tinymcespellchecker.html (it's require some intallation on the server and have some issues related to typing + some PHP code to execute)
http://jquery-spellchecker.badsyntax.co/tinymce.html (it's require some PHP code to execute and giving error "the method is not allowed with "POST")
Both aren't working well as expected.
I had also posted an question previously but don't get any reply there Tinymce: Spellchecker is not working.
Why don't you use the browser spellchecking?
There is not much you will need to do to make it work.
The browser needs to have a dictionary of your language installed (AddOn) and additionally you will need to set the attribute spellcheck
of the editor body to true
setup : function(ed) {
ed.onInit.add(function(ed, evt) { //since tinymce4 use ed.on('init', function(evt){...
ed.getBody().setAttribute('spellcheck', true);
This is far faster than a remote spellchecker approach (using something like Google spellchecker or an other aspell server).