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What is actually assertEquals in Python?

I have the following file in django. can you please explain this code?

from contacts.models import Contact
class ContactTests(TestCase):
    """Contact model tests."""

    def test_str(self):

        contact = Contact(first_name='John', last_name='Smith')

            'John Smith',


  • from contacts.models import Contact  # import model Contact
    class ContactTests(TestCase):  # start a test case
        """Contact model tests."""
        def test_str(self):  # start one test
            contact = Contact(first_name='John', last_name='Smith')  # create a Contact object with 2 params like that
            self.assertEquals(  # check if str(contact) == 'John Smith'
                'John Smith',

    Basically it will check if str(contact) == 'John Smith', if not then assert equal is failed and the test is failed and it will notify you the error at that line.

    In other words, assertEquals is a function to check if two variables are equal, for purposes of automated testing:

    def assertEquals(var1, var2):
        if var1 == var2:
            return True
            return False

    Hope it helps.