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CodeIgniter login across all pages

I'm am very new to CI the MVC model.

I have a simple page which is made of up 3 views. Header, Content and Footer. The content will be unique across the site but header and footer will be the same, no matter what page.

In my header I have a login form. So there will be a login form across the whole site. since it appears on every page which has diff models:

how will or where will I write the script for logging in a user as I don't fancy writing a login script on every model the header is used on...

Maybe another example:

If that's not clear, I try another example. Suppose I have a site. In that I load a view which is a footer in all my pages. and the footer contains a form. Now when I post data using that form, where should that data it go?

Show it go to a dedicated PHP file which handles all the posts from that form, or should it go to the current page' controller?

I hope I was clear. Again I Just started using CI and MVC a day ago. It would be nice if you could guide me.


  • When i post data using that form, where should that data it go?

    You shouldn't write the logic on every page (controller). What you should do is creating a distinct controller (like Accounts) for managing user logging.

    The login form should post the data to accounts/login URL. but to get back to the previous page, we should store current URL in session as referer.

    To do that, just store uri_string(); in the session on each page you need.

        'referer' => $this->uri->uri_string()

    If you don't need to redirect the user to the previous page, ignore it.

    The example below indicates how to achieve the goal:

    class Accounts extends CI_Controller {
        public function login()
            $config = array(
                // Write your validation rules here
            // Check whether form is submitted
            if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
                if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
                    $data['login_errors'] = validation_errors();
                    // Store validation errors in session
                    // to display on every page needed
                } else {
                    // Login process
                    // Set user detail in session
                    // Redirect to previous page after login
                    if ($referer = $this->session->userdata('referer')) {
                    } else {
        public function logout()
            // Destroy the session