I am looking to make a Haxe file template for FlashDevelop (or find an existing one) so that I can right click > Add > New Haxe File...
How do I do this?
Edit: Was able to get a file, however the package name does not load (i.e. start of the file may be:
package scenes;
However, all I am getting is:
package ;
This is the *.fdt file I am using:
package $(Package);
$(CBI)* ...
$(CBI)* @author $(DefaultUser)
class $(FileName) $(CSLB){
public function new() $(CSLB){
Edit2: Had to change:
package $(Package);
package $(TypPkg);
then right click the folder that is the package and click 'Add Source Path'.
Thanks to @Philippe for pointing me on the right path and giving the answer to the bulk of the question.
You can add new file templates in your FD Templates directory (Tools > User Config Files...
: templates shared between all languages/Templates/ProjectFiles/{lang}/*
: templates for a specific project languagehttp://www.flashdevelop.org/wikidocs/index.php?title=Configuration