I am working on a maven based project in android, I don't have any prior experience with maven. Currently i am trying to execute maven + robospice sample https://github.com/octo-online/RoboSpice-samples/tree/release/robospice-sample-spring-android. I am facing a strange dependency error "Missing artifact com.octo.android.robospice:robospice-spring-android:jar:1.4.5-SNAPSHOT" on dependency
Variable {robospice.spring.andriod.version} has value 1.4.5-SNAPSHOT. complete pom.xml available here https://github.com/octo-online/RoboSpice-samples/blob/release/robospice-sample-spring-android/pom.xml.
I have executed mvn clean install, i also have updated mvn update project but this error is still exist. please help me to fix it.
I am not able to see any jar with that version 1.4.5-SNAPSHOT in Maven Central Repository. Please try with version 1.4.5
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