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Is it possible to change default OLEDB connection timeout value? Run-time error (80040e31)

I have one legacy app (VB) and I have an issue with the timeout error while connecting to SQL Server (probably through OLEDB).

enter image description here

Using SQL Profiler I figure out that the connection is dropped through exactly 30 seconds.

enter image description here

I don't have access to the source codes but I scanned exe resources and couldn't find any hardcoded connection string timeout values there.

The last chance I think I have is to change the default OLEDB timeout somewhere outside the app.

My question is: it is possible to change default OLEDB timeout value?


I found the connection string and changed timeout to 300 but it does not help...

Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=______;Password=______;Initial Catalog=________;Data Source=______;Connect Timeout=300

After that I tried to replace current connection string with connection strings from different providers: ADO.NET and ODBC but every time I get an timeout error after 30 seconds - checkmate.


I'll be happy to any advice


  • I found the answer here. It is the command timeout and it must be configured from particular command object.