I have a web app that I'm trying to package up into a standalone app using Brackets-Shell. I followed the instructions here to setup Brackets and Brackets-Shell on my Mac OSX system:
https://github.com/adobe/brackets-shell/wiki/Building-brackets-shell http://clintberry.com/2013/html5-desktop-apps-with-brackets-shell/
When I run "grunt full-build" the process stops with this error message:
Running "stage-mac" task
>> cp: xcodebuild/Release/my_test.app: No such file or directory
Warning: Task "stage-mac" failed. Use --force to continue.
Were "my_test.app" is the name I've given to the app I'm trying to create. It seems that Grunt never creates my_test.app, but it does create Brackets.app. I've edited the Gruntfile.js file in the "brackets-shell" folder per the instructions in the previously mentioned link.
Anyone run into this problem, or have any ideas on how I can resolve it?
I think you just need to change the app name in appshell_config.gypi to match the Gruntfile.js change you made. You'll need to rerun grunt setup
after doing so.