I'm working on a Rails 4 API where the client can post data to the controller and it will save in a database. I was wondering how i could implement the user to POST nested JSON and then have the controller accept the attributes and create a model with them. The JSON would look something like
'identifier': {
'name': 'Test'
Then in a private method i have
def parameters
params.respond_to?(:permit) ?
params.require(:picture).permit(:identifier) :
params[:picture].slice(:identifier) rescue nil
And when i try to access the 'name' parameter in my controller as parameters[:identifier][:name]
i get undefined method []. Any suggestions?
Create Action
@picture = current_user.pictures.new(name: parameters[:identifier][:name])
Picture model only has t.string :name
You can use nested JSON as long as you create them in your permitted parameters such as:
def parameters
params.respond_to?(:permit) ?
params.require(:picture).permit(:identifier => [ :name ]) :
params[:picture].slice(:identifier => [ :name ]) rescue nil
This works on Rails 4 using Strong Parameters