Search code examples

GTFS data - stop data

Feeling bit rusty about my SQL skills at the moment. What I would like to achieve is connect two SQL queries into one which give me basically all information about particular stop.

First query is simple one. It takes all stop informations. Piece of cake I would say ;)

    SELECT stop_id, stop_name, stop_lat, stop_lon, zone_id 
FROM stops WHERE stop_id = 97

Second one is bit more complicated but found my solution here and with small changes it's just like I want it.

select GROUP_CONCAT( distinct rt.route_short_name) as routes
from routes rt, trips tr, stop_times st
where rt.route_id = tr.route_id
and tr.trip_id = st.trip_id
and st.stop_id = 97

Now, I would like to add second query result as another column in first query result. Thanks to that after json_encode I will have nice JSON with all informations that I need!



  • You can do it with the hammer method:

    SElECT * FROM (
       SELECT stop_id, stop_name, stop_lat, stop_lon, zone_id 
       FROM stops WHERE stop_id = 97
    ) a INNER JOIN (
       select st.stop_id, GROUP_CONCAT( distinct rt.route_short_name) as routes
       from routes rt, trips tr, stop_times st
       where rt.route_id = tr.route_id
       and tr.trip_id = st.trip_id
       and st.stop_id = 97
    ) b ON a.stop_id = b.stop_id

    or by joining them:

    select stops.stop_id, 
    GROUP_CONCAT( distinct rt.route_short_name) as routes
    from routes rt, trips tr, stop_times st, stops
    where rt.route_id = tr.route_id
    and tr.trip_id = st.trip_id
    and st.stop_id = stops.stop_id
    and st.stop_id = 97
    group by st.stop_id